g3 comes with a Money Back Guarantee! If after consuming 4 bottles per month for 3 months, your antioxidant score doesn't increase, you get your money back. Simple as that!
After taking G3 and lifepak for 2 months, not only my antioxidant score shoot up from 26000 to 49000, my ulcer and sore throat also no longer disturb me. For the past few years, I was attacked by ulcer and sore throat all year round, the same spot of ulcer can last for months. It is so serious that i was refer to specialist to check if I have any chronic disease. Besides ulcer, I also attack by migrane frequently since my childhood time. But after add in Tegreen and bio gingko for 3 months, my migrane also go away now. I have tried all sorts of supplement and chinese medicine to take care of my ulcer/ migrane and health, but so far only pharmanex deliver the measurable results to me. My daughter used to complain headache when she come back from school everyday due to the hot weather, but after taking G3 for 2 months, she no longer suffer from daily headache. If I were to know this company earlier, i would not have taken so many panadol/migrane pills for the past years... Anyway, is better to be late than ever... I am really thankful to my friend, Jasmine, who recommend this great product to me and my kids...now all of us are very healthy and happy now... - Yvonne Lim, Penang, Malaysia
I'm a professional athlete and an American Gladiator winner. I've been a certified trainer for nearly 17 years. My wife and I grew up in Plainfield outside of Chicago and we have eight children. We find g3 to be a very safe and effective juice drink that also tastes good to kids. In fact, g3 is so nutrient rich that my kids not only enjoy it but even crave and demand it. What a comfort it is to know that my children can get a natural, 100% juice that is not artificially flavored or sweetened and is so excellent for their health. - Steven H
My husband and I started taking g3 recently and we love the taste of it. When our son Ron conveyed a story about g3 improving vision, I pulled down my glasses and I told him that I could now see as well without my glasses as with them on. For the last two weeks I have been rubbing my eyes and cleaning my glasses always thinking there was something wrong with my lenses. Now I know that my vision has definitely improved. My husband Carl is 79 years old and he's noticed that he only has to get up to go to the bathroom once a night so that's an improvement. We love the product. - Evelyn L. Northern Minnesota
I am a father of 3 boys and my 10 year old was diagnosed with a severe case of croup when he was a child which seems to return every single winter. This winter it was a little worse than normal with quite a bit of coughing. We put him on g3 at that point, and within just a few days we noticed a dramatic reduction in his cough. In fact, within four days there was no cough at all. As a result, there will never be a day that we don't have g3 juice in our fridge. - Justin R. Provo, Utah
I'm a medical doctor. I've associated with biopathic medicine for 42 years and it's become increasingly evident to me that if we are to improve our health style profiles, we must definitely start to practice prevention. I find g3 to be the perfect elixir to improve our overall health. Personally on just 2 ounces of g3 twice daily, my antioxidant score has improved measurably, as well as my vision. I can only imagine the positive health benefit stories we will continue to hear in the future as more and more people consume this delicious, healthful elixir. - Ed Z. Parker Colorado
When I received my first order of g3 my 11 year old son was developing a cold with sniffling and congestion and some coughing. Since he was missing school that day so I decided to double him up on the g3 and put it to the test. Not only did his nose clear up with no coughing by the next day, but he returned to school a happy camper (as happy as an 11 year old be that doesn't get a day to watch cartoons!). Then, when a month later I felt a cold coming on, I too put it to the test, doubling up on my usual dose thanks to my son. I too forgot that I was getting sick at all by the next day! - Joanna R
I can't stop raving about g3! I love the taste of it, the way it makes me feel and the proof that I see on the Biophotonic Scanner that it really works! My scan score jumped from 32,000 to 46,000 after drinking g3 regularly for just 3 weeks! Anytime I open the fridge, I can't help but take a shot of the juice. My daughter and my husband also love it and we are all so much healthier as a result of your innovation. Thank you for continually providing us with fabulous products to increase the quality of our lives! - Jaymie S.
At age 18 months my son Austin was diagnosed with Autism. At age three we began to help him learn his alphabet and nothing was working, despite many hours of therapy and many tutoring sessions. We were very excited to hear about this Fruit From Heaven juice. Just after a few weeks of being on g3, Austin went from knowing four letters of the alphabet to all 26 letters consistently. Now after being on the product for three months he has not only mastered his alphabet, but he has numbers from 1-30 and has started on simply addition. Moreover, Austin has not been sick a single day. We are so excited for G3 and are so grateful to have it. - Amy C. Salt Lake City, Utah
Seeing Clearly Again!
因為工作業務的關係,讓我有機會可以一嚐木鱉果綜合 飲品的味道。剛開始其實自己沒有多大的感覺,只認為是一種 果汁飲品、是特別針對哪些無法吞營養補充品的人所設計的, 所以也只有把它當成一般果汁般飲用。 後來我陸續聽到其他喝過木鱉果綜合飲品的人分享,開 始覺得:「我也在喝,不妨來觀察看看自己身體有沒有改變!」 很快的,我有了新發現,經過一個禮拜認真的體驗,原本 伴隨多年我多年、也讓我常常忽視他存在的視力問題,有明顯 轉好的趨勢:「突然讓我眼睛為之一亮,蚊子都不見了!」 我相信如果繼續使用一定有更明顯的改善。另外,一向 排便不順的我,喝了木鱉果綜合飲品後,幾乎天天暢通,我 相信這一定是個非常好的飲品,親身體驗後一定會讓你「驚 驗」。 - 讓我看得更清楚,更舒暢! 毛佩君
Liquid Goodness
我媽媽鍾儀子已經70歲了,對需要吞服的東西,是完全 沒興趣,讓我相當擔心她的營養補充。但是對木鱉果綜合飲 品,她卻情有獨鍾,飲用後表示,她的眼睛感覺很舒服,身體 也輕盈了許多,我因此放心不少。 我的牙醫朋友謝慧君因為工作關係,常會被傳染感冒。 有天又出現感冒初期症狀,就在他喝了我所推薦的木鱉果綜 合飲品隔天,所有的感冒症狀竟然通通沒了,神奇的效果,讓 我那位牙醫朋友驚訝不已! 至於我自己在喝了之後,感覺只有三個字,「太棒了!」香 甜中帶著微酸的絕佳口感,更因為豐富的營養素,以及神奇 的身體保養功效,而享有「天堂水果」的美譽! 我常受邀演講,在一場場國內外健康講座中,我最常問 聽眾的是:「健康重要嗎?」,每個人都會回答:「重要!」但你 為健康做了什麼?你怎麼知道有效?容易或方便使用嗎?口 感美味嗎?大家幾乎沒有一個正面肯定的答案! 現在,我可以告訴所有的人,有「木鱉果綜合飲品」這種 口味絕佳、方便有效的健康飲品了! - 活能飲品開啟健康之鑰 王朝威
Help for my eyes
11年前我接受朋友介紹如新護膚品,只因一句白紙 黑字的保證「成分只放好的、絕不含壞的」。之後,朋友 又介紹我營養保健食品,有奧運指定產品的強力背書, 代表著第一絕對安全、第二絕對有效。被這樣具有良善 理念且品質保證的產品感動,至今不曾換過其他品牌, 我自認是如新最忠誠的愛用者,也是最幸運的消費者! 喝了木鱉果綜合飲品,最明顯的感受就是,眼睛不 再容易流眼淚,因為以前從沒有戴太陽眼鏡的習慣,所 以,在年過半百之後,眼睛開始有些小症狀,但在喝了木 鱉果綜合飲品兩週後,真的不再“流目油”;一個月後, 朋友都覺得我皮膚變好,而且變得更年輕! 木鱉果、枸杞、刺梨、沙棘四大珍果的珍貴營養素, 具有調整體質、延年益壽、養顏美容、促進消化的健康 功效,大家喝了就知道!- 照顧眼睛的好幫手 李慕受
How My Eyes Lit Up
罹患10幾年的眼疾,視力是我最大的困擾,已經有 很長一段時間,不能連續閱讀。報紙只能看看大標題,有 重要訊息在看一下內容,只要多看一點就會開始頭痛, 每天眼睛生活在糢糊與乾澀中,眼睛老化真是有苦說不 出。 年前陪孫女去上課,等待中,我在旁閱讀報紙,直到 她下課足足一個小時,事後發現沒有頭疼不舒服的感覺, 視力也變得比較清楚,閱讀速度也變快了,心想該不會喝 了木鱉果綜合飲品的原因吧,才一個多星期而已。 於是我趕快打電話問我90歲視力也不好的老媽于鴻 鈞及一些也在喝木鱉果綜合飲品的親戚朋友像表姊于澤 真、女兒孫樹文、朋友鍾傳妹,他們都說眼睛最近是舒服 多了,一開始他們都沒有跟木鱉果綜合飲品聯想在一起, 最後我告訴他們,就是木鱉果綜合飲品內,枸杞的玉米黃 素發揮了最大功效。 - 眼睛真的雪亮了起來! 梁秀娟